Welcome to the critical care and intensive care billing guide for the division of hospital medicine.
If you are trying to decide whether you are providing critical or intensive care for your patient, the sections below describe basic age / weight / time criteria for each code. Beneath each code is a PDF billing guide to the clinical and documentation requirements.
If you know which code to use, but are uncertain how to document, you should know that there are standard autotexts in KIDS available for you to use. If you would like to create your own, you may use the CC-IC autotexts document, or any of the billing guides, as a reference.
Prior to billing for critical or intensive care, please update your patient's problem list to reflect the highest specificity and acuity of diagnosis appropriate for the patient.
The autotexts and billing guides have been vetted and approved by CHLAMG. If you have feedback, please contact Grant Christman at gchristman@chla.usc.edu.
Use this forum to ask any questions you may have about critical care billing. A member of the billing team will reply as soon as possible. Please avoid sharing any patient-specific information. Thanks!
Ideal Billing Process